Below are lists of publications and reports by Tāne’s Tree Trust including other outputs where TTT has collaborated or provided support.
All of our publications are available free to download via the links below.
A Practical Guide to Managing Tōtara on Private Land (2022)
By Paul Quinlan
Beeches: Establishment, growth and management (2012)
By Mark Smale, David Bergin & Greg Steward
New Zealand Indigenous Tree Bulletin No. 6. New Zealand Forest Research Institute. 64p.
DOWNLOAD courtesy of the Scion Digital Library
Carbon Sequestration by Native Forest (2021)
By Mark Kimberley, David Bergin & Warwick Silvester
DOWNLOAD courtesy of Pure Advantage
Continuous Cover Forestry: A handbook for the management of New Zealand forests (2008)
By Ian Barton
Tāne’s Tree Trust, P O Box 12094, Hamilton 3248. 104p.
Continuous Cover Forestry Business Models for Aotearoa New Zealand
By The Connective, Tāne’s Tree Trust, Ngā Pou a Tāne & Scion
Farming with Native Trees: A guide for farmers from Northland to Waikato (2007)
By Mike Dodd & Helen Ritchie
New Zealand Indigenous Tree Bulletin No. 4. Ensis, Rotorua. 60p.
DOWNLOAD courtesy of the Scion Digital Library
Kauri: Ecology, establishment, growth and management (2004)
By David Bergin & Greg Steward
New Zealand Indigenous Tree Bulletin No. 2. New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. 48p.
DOWNLOAD courtesy of the Scion Digital Library
Native Trees: Planting and early management for wood production (2007)
By David Bergin & Luis Gea
New Zealand Indigenous Tree Bulletin No. 3. Revised edition. New Zealand Forest Research Institute. 44p.
DOWNLOAD courtesy of the Scion Digital Library
Non-timber values in native forest (2021)
By Jacqui Aimers, David Bergin, and Gerard Horgan
Review of Non-Timber Values in sustainably-managed native forest in New Zealand. Tāne’s Tree Trust bulletin, Hamilton, New Zealand. 119 pages.
Pohutukawa: Ecology, establishment, growth and management (2006)
By David Bergin & Gordon Hoskings
New Zealand Indigenous Tree Bulletin No. 4. New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. 104p.
DOWNLOAD courtesy of the Scion Digital Library
Preliminary Technical Guidelines: Adaptive Management of Coastal Forestry Buffers
By Meg Graeme, Jim Dahm, Michael Bergin and David Bergin
- Section One - Introduction
- Section Two - Planting Natives in Coastal Pine Buffers
- Section Three - Role of Natural Regeneration in Transitioning Coastal Exotic Buffers to Native Forest
- Section Four - Climate Change
- Section Five - Summary
Totara: Establishment, growth and management (2003)
By David Bergin
New Zealand Indigenous Tree Bulletin No. 1. New Zealand Forest Research Institute, Rotorua. 40p.
DOWNLOAD courtesy of the Scion Digital Library
TTT Technical Handbook: Planting & Managing Native Trees
By Tāne’s Tree Trust
Download the entire handbook or individual chapters below. Chapters will be added as they are completed.
- Title pages, forward and table of content
- 1.2 How to use the handbook
- 1.3 Introducing tanes tree trust
- 2.1 Objectives and strategies for planting
- 2.2 Options for establishing native trees
- 3.1 A cultural perspective
- 3.2 An historical perspective
- 4.1 Physiological factors
- 4.2 Lessons from nature
- 5.3 Choice of nursery method
- 5.4 Establishment performance of native shrubs
- 6.1 Key factors in site selection
- 6.2 Sites for planting native trees
- 7.1 Planting - getting started
- 7.2 Livestock and pest management
- 7.3 Preparing grass sites for planting
- 7.4 Preparing gorse- broom and blackberry sites
- 8.1 Planting techniques for natives
- 8.2 Planting patterns and density for natives on open sites
- 9.1 Riparian margins - an introduction
- 9.2 For sediment - nutrient and pathogen management
- 9.3 For aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity
- 9.4 For native timber and multiple purposes
- 9.5 What is it with willows?
- 10.1 Nationwide survey of planted native trees
- 10.2 Performance of planted native conifer trees
- 10.3 Performance of planted native hardwood trees
- 10.4 Performance of planted native shrubs
- 10.5 Carbon sequestration
- 10.6 The Kauri 2000 Trust
- 10.7 Rewanui Forest Park, Wairarapa
- 11.3 Management of naturally regenerated totara on farms
- 11.4 Weaving resiliance into our farming landscapes with native forestry
Other Publications
CCF from scratch - Paul Quinlan, January 2025
Farming with Native Trees, Flyer (8pp)
Farming with Native Trees, Project Summary Report
Investing in natural capital – weaving native forest back through New Zealand’s landscapes TTT is grateful to the NZ Journal of Forestry for permission to republish the article
Native Trees on Farms Newsletter #1, April 2005
Native Trees on Farms Newsletter #2, August 2005
Managing Native Trees: Towards a national strategy, I Barton, R Gadgil & D Bergin, eds., 2010
Results of the 2020 Remeasurement of Tōtara PSPs
Other Tōtara Publications & Resources
There are a wide range of outputs from the work of the NTWG and TTT relating to research and management of naturally regenerating tōtara. These are available on the NTWG Publications & Resources page and also the NTWG Newsletters page.