NTWG Publications & Resources
Publications and reports
There are a wide range of outputs from the work of the NTWG and TTT relating to research and management of naturally regenerating totara on farmland in Northland, and of related work from collaborators and others as listed below. Many of these will become available from this website as PDFs or links as the TTT Indigenous Forestry Reference Database is developed.
- Bergin, D.O. 2001: Growth and management of planted and regenerating stands of Podocarpus totara D.Don. PhD thesis, University of Waikato. 316p.
- Bergin, D.O. 2003: Totara establishment, growth and management. New Zealand Indigenous Tree Bulletin No. 1. New Zealand Forest Research Institute. 40p.
- Bergin, D.O.; Kimberley, M.O. 2003: Growth and yield of totara in planted stands. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 33(2): 244-264.
- Bergin, D. O. 2007: Establishment of silvicultural trials in naturally-regenerating stands of totara on farmland, Northland, New Zealand. Progress report for the Northland Totara Working Group. Contract Report 12565 (unpubl.). Scion, Rotorua. 21p.
- Bergin, D. O. 2008: Silvicultural trials and wood quality studies with naturally-regenerating stands of totara stands, Northland, New Zealand. Second Year Progress Report for the Northland Totara Working Group. Contract Report (unpubl.). Scion, Rotorua. 21p.
- Bergin, D. 2009: Assessing regenerating totara on the farm. A preliminary guide for landowners in Northland. Contract Report for the Northland Regional Council (Envirolink 516-NLRC). Contract Report (unpubl.). Scion, Rotorua. 27p.
- Bergin, D.; Kimberley, M. 2009: Silvicultural Trials and Wood Quality Studies with Naturally-Regenerating Totara, Northland, New Zealand. Third Year Progress Report for the Northland Totara Working Group. Contract Report, Scion (unpubl.). 30p.
- Bergin, D.; Kimberley, M. 2010: Thinning and pruning of totara-dominant naturally regenerating forest in Northland. In: Barton, I.; Gadgil, R.; Bergin, D. (Eds.) Managing native trees – towards a national strategy. Proceedings of the Tane’s Tree Trust 10th Anniversary Conference and Workshop held at the University of Waikato 18-20 November 2009. Tāne’ Tree Trust. 39-43.
- Bergin, D. O.; Kimberley, M. O. 2014: Factors influencing natural regeneration of totara (Podocarpus totara D.Don) on grazed hill country grassland in Northland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal Forestry Science 44 (13).
- Cown, D.; Bergin, D.; Quinlan, P. 2009: Totara – a growing resource. New Zealand Tree Grower 30 (4): 23-24.
- Davey, B. 2013: Totara ingrade test results. Scion Report prepared for Farm Forestry Timbers (NZ Farm Forestry Association) (unpubl.) 8p.
- Kimberley, M.; Quinlan, P,; Bergin, M. 2022: Results of the 2020 Remeasurement of Tōtara PSPs. Tane’s Tree Trust. Unpubl. 16p.
- Kennedy, C. 2007: Developing methodology for resource assessment of naturally regenerating totara in the Whangaroa Community Area, Northland, New Zealand. Tane’s Tree Trust Report for the Northland Totara Working Group. 30p.
- McKinley, R. 2008: Selected wood properties of naturally regenerating farm-grown totara from Northland. Scion Contract Report to the Northland Totara Working Group. Unpubl. 7p.
- Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment 2002: Weaving resilience into our working lands: recommendations for future roles of native plants. Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. Wellington. 39p.
- Quinlan, P. 2004: Managing totara on farms under the Forests Act. Indigena June 2004. NZ Farm Forestry Association.
- Quinlan, P. 2010: A role for totara in rural production landscapes. In: Barton, I.; Gadgil, R.; Bergin, D. (Eds.) Managing native trees – towards a national strategy. Proceedings of the Tāne’s Tree Trust 10th Anniversary Conference and Workshop held at the University of Waikato 18-20 November 2009. Tāne’s Tree Trust. 31-35.
- Quinlan, P. 2011: Existing uses and market development opportunities for naturally regeneration totara timber. SFF Project L10/145. Report for the Northland Totara Working Group. 98p.
- Quinlan, P. 2017: Examples of Totara Sapwood resisting attack by the Common Household Borer (Anobium Punctatum). Report on behalf of the Northland Totara Working Group, Tane’s Tree Trust (Unpubl.) 20p.
- Quinlan, P. 2021: Metsulfuron over tōtara seedlings spray trial – results after 14 months. (unpubl.) 15p.
- Quinlan, P. 2021: Harvesting Tōtara – A Practical guide to managing tōtara on private land. Tane’s Tree Trust. Unpubl. 40p.
- Quinlan, P. 2021: Pruning Tōtara – A Practical guide to managing tōtara on private land. Tane’s Tree Trust. Unpubl. 32p.
- Quinlan, P. 2021: Thinning Tōtara – A Practical guide to managing tōtara on private land. 12 Nov 2021 version videos still to come. Tane’s Tree Trust. Unpubl. 24p.
- Quinlan, P. 2022: Low-volume selective harvesting of farm tōtara – a practical trial. Courtesy of the NZ Journal of Forestry, August 2022, vol 67, No.2. 6p.
- Quinlan, P. 2022: Planting and Establishing Tōtara – A practical guide to managing tōtara on private land. Tane’s Tree Trust. Unpubl. 36p.
- Quinlan, P. 2022: The Tōtara Opportunity – An Introduction to: A practical guide to managing tōtara on private land. Tane’s Tree Trust. Unpubl. 22p.
- Quinlan, P. & Bergin, M. 2022: Understory and biodiversity changes following thinning in regenerated tōtara stands. New Zealand Tree Grower, Nov 2022.
- Quinlan, P.; Bergin, D.; Barton, I.; Berg, P.; 2011: Promoting the management of a naturally regenerating native forest resource for commercial timber production. A case-study based around Podocarpus totara. ANZIF Conference, Auckland, 1-5th May 2011- Pacific Forestry…Growing a Forestry Future linked with 2011, the UN International Year of Forests. Concurrent Session 4: Forest Extension. 19p.
- Quinlan, P.; Bergin, M,; Bergin, D. 2018: Weaving resilience into our farming landscapes with native forestry - Tane’s Tree Trust Technical Handbook Article No. 11.4. 12p.
- Quinlan, P.; Bergin, M.; Bergin, D.; Kimberley, M. 2013: Management of naturally regenerating totara on farms – thinning and pruning. Tane’s Tree Trust Technical Handbook Article No. 11.3. 12p.
- Satchell, D. 2016: Pathways to Building Code Compliance for Farm-tōtara timber. Tane’s Tree Trust. (unpubl.) 50p.
- Satchell, D. 2021: Land use options and economic returns for marginal hill country in Northland. Northland Regional Council report.19p.
- Young, L.; Norton, D. 2016: Sustainable totara management and biodiversity conservation in Northland (Unpubl.) 4p.
- Form-pruning tōtara for timber production on private land. By Paul Quinlan and Ian Brennan; Tane’s Tree Trust. 2021. https://vimeo.com/580207222
- Freestyle silviculture in naturally regenerating tōtara forests on private land. By Paul Quinlan and Ian Brennan; Tāne’s Tree Trust. 2022. https://vimeo.com/748899167
- Harvesting tōtara – trialing small-scale, low-impact methods. By Paul Quinlan and Ian Brennan; Tane’s Tree Trust. 2022. https://vimeo.com/692925422
- Planting and managing native trees for multiple purpose. By Paul Quinlan and Ian Brennan; Tane’s Tree Trust. 2018. https://vimeo.com/257850942
- Ring-barking in tōtara forests managed for timber production. By Paul Quinlan and Ian Brennan; Tāne’s Tree Trust. 2022. https://vimeo.com/769118343
- Totara Industry Pilot video https://www.totaraindustry.co.nz/tip-video
- October 2022 - Submission on The Proposed Far North District Plan
Media coverage
- Barrington, M. 2016: Seeing the wood for the’weeds’. Northern Advocate article on tōtara Field-day 2016
- Smith, M. 2016: Podocarpus totara: managing natural regrowth. In the Northland region of New Zealand is a significant indigenous resource whose natural regeneration has the potential to transform the ‘productive landscape’. Part 1. Courtesy of Timber and Forestry e news, February 2016. 10-11.
- Smith, M. 2016: Transforming the productive landscape. Encouraging the commercial use of totara as a viable farm-based option is the goal of the Northland Totara Working Group (NTWG). Part 2. Courtesy of Timber and Forestry e news, March 2016. 10-11.
- Smith, M. 2020: Northland tōtara: sustainably managing a native forest resource in New Zealand. Courtesy of Timber and Forestry e news, issue 634, Nov. 2020.
- Smith, M. 2021: TIP project report confirms viability of a regional native species-based industry - Part 1. Courtesy of Timber and Forestry e news, issue 640, 14 Jan 2021.
- Smith, M. 2021: Tōtara in Northland: Key issues related to managing this ‘new’ resource in NZ - Part 2 . Courtesy of Timber and Forestry e news, issue 641, 21 Jan 2021.
- Smith, M. 2022: Small-scale harvesting trial improves prospects for fledgling NZ industry: totara most popular choice. Courtesy of Timber and Forestry e news, issue 733, 17 Nov. 2022.
- Smith, M. 2022: Totara re-measurement: silvicultural intervention boosts New Zealand’s timber production potential. Courtesy of Timber and Forestry e news, issue 734, 24 Nov. 2022.
- Steward, G. 2019: Tōtara Industry Pilot - A fresh look at a familiar Northland species. Tree Grower November 2019
- NZ Farm Forestry Association, Specialty timbers; https://www.nzffa.org.nz/specialty-timber-market/showcase/farm-totara/
- Tōtara Industry Pilot project website: https://www.totaraindustry.co.nz/
- Tāne’s Tree Trust also has different calculators, videos, resources and publications available here.