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Training Videos and Workshops for Best-Practice Restoration

Project Status: Current


The Department of Conservation’s Community Fund is partially funding this project to provide training videos and contribute to workshops and other events promoting best-practice restoration of indigenous ecosystems by planting and natural regeneration. The project is in collaboration with community groups, iwi and landowners, Department of Conservation, regional, district and city councils, NZ Farm Forestry Association, The Tindall Foundation, The Project Crimson Trust and Trees That Count, research providers, and regional staff of the One-Billion-Trees Programme.

Video series

This project is on track to complete a minimum of 18 videos. Videos and footage completed to date and available on the TTT website include:

1. Case study: Cassie’s Farm - Establishing native forest from scratch

2. Case study: Woodside - Black beech managed as continuous cover forestry

3. Form-pruning tōtara - for timber production on private land

4. Freestyle silviculture - in naturally regenerating tōtara forests on private land

5. Harvesting tōtara – trialing small-scale, low-impact methods

6. Planting techniques - How to plant native seedlings at scale

7. Transitional forestry - native forest regeneration under wilding pines

8. Planting and managing natives – forestry for multiple purpose

9. Ring-barking tōtara - forests managed for timber production

10. Riparian restoration - over 24 years of planting the Awahou Stream, Rotorua

11. Pukemokemoke: the hill standing alone – restoration and ecology of native forest

12. Reducing the cost of raising natives – Restore Native Nursery - grades, plant quality…

Videos underway and planned include:

1. Maintenance of plantings – brush weed control, spraying, cutting, hand releasing…

2. Nurse crops – concept, shrub species, establishment, interplanting tree species…

3. Seed islands – concept, regeneration, case studies – Waikereru, Tuhaitara biota nodes

4. Right tree, right place – matching tree species’ ecological requirements to planting sites…

5. Preparation for Continuous Cover Forestry – tracks and pre planting planning

6. Measuring success – introduction and benefits of monitoring planted natives

7. Monitoring methods – walk through and plot based methods

8. Data processing – guide for user data entry, automated data processing and results

As videos are completed, they are made available on the Tāne’s Tree Trust website

Workshops, conferences and field-based events

Workshops, both online and as on-site field-based presentations, over the last 12 months have included:

  • Field based workshops with Auckland Council staff, rangers and contractors at Tōtara Park, south Auckland, and Hosking Reserve, north Auckland
  • Climate Change Commission – hosted Commissioner Simon Upton and staff from Wellington and Dunedin to demonstration planting areas at Cassie’s Farm
  • Waikato River Authority – hosted Funding Manager Michelle Hodges and team at Cassie’s Farm to view planted natives
  • Ministry for the Environment and Department of Conservation workshops on exploring the potential of a ‘biodiversity credit system’ in Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Farm Open Day – Cassie’s Farm, March 2023 – 70 attendees to view best practice planting and management of native forestry
  • November 2022 – Profile and launch of Toolkit project at the O Tātou Ngāhere Conference and TTT AGM, Te Papa, Wellington (1000 attendees including policy makers, forestry and farming sectors, NGOs, etc)
  • November 2022 and June 2023 – Promoting TTT projects and latest information on establishing and managing native forestry at the National Fieldays, Mystery Creek
  • Attended and contributed to online Te Puna Waiora o Nukutaurua Fresh water project workshop, Mahia Peninsula
  • Puniu River Care – hosted Shannon Te Huia, CEO, and two of his team from Te Puniu River Care group at Cassie’s farm July 2023
  • NZ Farm Forestry Association field trip, July 2023 – inspection of 35 ha of planted forest across Cassie’s Farm, and guided field visit to Restore Native Nursery by owner Adam Thompson - 30+ attendees from Waikato and BOP branches with TTT trustees.