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Totara Industry Pilot Project

An excellent stand of farm tōtara trees recently assessed by Paul Quinlan as part of the Totara Industry Pilot Project.
The sample plot values for this stand estimates a merchantable timber volume per hectare of 390m3, with a stocking rate of 340 stems/ha (of trees with diameters at breast height (DBH) above 30cm), and with a mean DBH of 45cm.
Many trees have 10-14m of merchantable bole length. Small areas of such high-quality regenerated trees present an excellent opportunity for sustainable forest management.

The Northland Totara Industry Pilot Project is a collaborative project with MPI, Scion, Tane’s Tree Trust, Northland Inc. and Te Taitokerau Maori Forestry Collective with “He tōtara tuturu - He iwi tū tonu (Sturdy tōtara - sustainable communities)” as their vision statement.