An excellent stand of farm tōtara trees recently assessed by Paul Quinlan as part of the Totara Industry Pilot Project.
The sample plot values for this stand estimates a merchantable timber volume per hectare of 390m3, with a stocking rate of 340 stems/ha (of trees with diameters at breast height (DBH) above 30cm), and with a mean DBH of 45cm.
Many trees have 10-14m of merchantable bole length. Small areas of such high-quality regenerated trees present an excellent opportunity for sustainable forest management.
The Northland Totara Industry Pilot Project is a collaborative project with MPI, Scion, Tane’s Tree Trust, Northland Inc. and Te Taitokerau Maori Forestry Collective with “He tōtara tuturu - He iwi tū tonu (Sturdy tōtara - sustainable communities)” as their vision statement.
Posted on: 15 October 2018